Take Action: The New Mexico State Library with Jean Whitehorse and Eli Guinnee

Walk into any library, and the world is revealed, from tall tales and vital truths to oral histories and picture books. It’s no wonder then that these magical repositories of imagination and knowledge also contain some of the coolest, most subversive, and most innovative people on the planet: librarians.  To prove the point, Encounter Culture…Read more

The Story of Structures: Historic Preservation with Jeff Pappas

For a podcast that boasts so many fascinating guests, State Historic Preservation Officer Jeff Pappas, PhD stands out as a favorite. Beyond the paperwork and rule-making that naturally accompany any federal job, his day-to-day at the New Mexico Historic Preservation Division is more interesting than one might expect.  Charlotte Jusinski chats with Jeff about what…Read more

All Roads Lead to Chocolate: Origins of Cacao in Chaco Canyon with Dr. Patricia Crown and Jay Shapiro

Is there a food more universally loved than chocolate? No other ingredient lends itself to savory, sweet, and even alcoholic applications, tempting folks in everything from molten cakes to moles to Martinis.  Chocolate—or, more specifically, cacao—has been processed and consumed in Mesoamerica for millennia. In Chocolate: The Exhibition, which opens on June 17 at the…Read more